They do have extra spesh bond, and by special bond I mean totally else than Venus Jupiter conjunction in synastry.
Synastry alone means nothing, and it doesn’t tell anything this way these articles are interpreting: instylemagazine, marieclairemag, elleusa… and the list goes on with incorrect, misleading, “astrology” articles like this on couples.
On the contrary to what Megs things, they are not a twin flames, that’s totally else, trust me I KNOW what I am talking about.
They have some major elements I see only with a married couples, but are not supported enough much. Also. they have a few elements what could be solid indication of durable life long marriage, but the orb is a bit wide. And another element is exact but standing alone afloat.
Glued together mostly with a chemistry, and a deeper connection, and elements needed for an actual enduring relationship like marriage are not sufficient.
Highly volatile chemistry tho, but with a wrong flow not sustainable for a marriage. Chemistry that is fun in the beginning especially in the bedroom, but can be destructive, damaging, on the long run, coz it doesn’t have the right flow. Not so good for domestic bliss, doesn’t work in the long course of time. If they do marry, it’s going to be hard at one point, and stay hard.
They also have lot of Uranus energy generated in contact with each other. It’s electric, energizing, exciting energy, but also destabilizing, abrupt, explosive (in negative sense) and making it hard to have a home together.
They have connection from a past life, its visible at many places, but not a clear romantic connection, not standing out like with couples from past lifes that do have it clearly visible. Maybe they were madly in love in a past lifes but never got a chance to be together. Well finally they are now. Now they can deepen their bond, and build solid ground for the next life.
Originally posted on my blog astrobossbabe.
Image: Getty / Emma McIntyre